
Showing posts from November, 2019

My Coding Experience

Hello everyone: Im back! I just wanted to tell you guys about how my coding experience has been so far. I am currently doing  a program in Swiftplayground. So I am on a role far. I have faced a few challenges that were impossible but I managed to get through the challenges without help. There was this one level  that was the easiest for me. I think you should take a look at the video, but I you can see it after I've spoken more about my coding. I as stuck on this one level for five  minutes, then I was able to try and figure out what was wrong. I was missing some kind of movement in the code. I learnt that sometimes I need to be patient because when I click a function then all the other function disappeared the I have to wait for them to come back again well that was fun. Telling you about my coding and how it's going . Thank you for reading.  



Metaphor Poem.

My closest friends  Seeing them makes me feel happy  like a rainbow made from God My closest friends smile when I lo ok at them They are like my family when I play with them Seeing them never makes me blue Like the night sky when it’s dark Playing with my closest friends  Is like bringing a family back together again  

Similes poem

My precious possessions belong to me, of course My puppy Junior is a ball He loves to roll down the hill My sister is a clown a goofy little girl with some humor My mother and father are love birds  Well they used to be, before they got  divorced  And my friends are the Justice League,  always solving problems along the way