
Showing posts from May, 2019

A day in life and home of a child in an informal settlement.

Hello everyone, my name is Lilly. How are you doing because I am exhausted. Same old same old. I woke up quit early because I had to go to school, also because there are chickens right outside my house made of steel and scrapes so you could call it a shack. I was so hungry so I went to the very small kitchen to get some food. When I opened the cupboard there was nothing. Not even a crumb of bread. I got dressed in the only clothes I was allowed to wear for school because my family can’t afford school uniform. So I walked to school, hungry. You think that’s bad. Wait until I tell you about my afternoon. So I was at school doing math class. I couldn’t concentrate because I was starving. The classroom was compacted with children. We did English next. We had to share ten textbooks between sixty children. Finally it was break. I was playing with some of my friends and opened my luchbox but there was no food in my lunch box and I was starving so bady but then I had to go to the bathroom.

A day I'll never forget.

Hello Everyone My name is Gladys Armstrong. I will be albino about a day I’ll never forget because I was embarrassed on that day. One morning the singing inspector came to my school to see if the children are singing well and that the teachers are doing their job. The singing inspectors name is Raymond. All the little kids had to go to the big room and sing and the big boys just did exams and sums. That singing inspector was nothing but a big fat bully. Raymond wore a huge knickerbockers and big stockings. His eyes looked like blue gooseberries, golden hair on his head and he had a round red face. Raymond called Benny and Charles they stood at the front of the big room so that they could sing but they didn’t know how to sing one single song. Not even Blue Bells of Scotland or minstrel boy. Raymond pointed his stick to the modelater. In a weak voice Charles said “I can sing pretty Polly” So sing it! Shouted Raymond. Charles and Benny sand. It was terrible singing. Charles sang pretty